The following is a partial list of services that we offer:
-Food license water testing for local area health districts
-Quarterly testing for public water supply requirements (PWSID’s)
-Effluent (wastewater) testing
-Bacteria testing
Commercial, Industrial, Municipal
-Quarterly testing for public water supply requirements (PWSID’s)
-Stormwater testing – Industrial & MS4
-Non-contact cooling water
-Boiler blow down water
-Effluent (wastewater) testing (NPDES) – Oil & Grease, BOD , CBOD, TSS, nutrients, metals ,TTO, etc.
-Radon in air & water
-Monitoring wells
-E. Coli in bathing water
-Fecal bacteria
-Potability – (bacteria, Fe, Na, Mn, NO2/NO3, Chloride, hardness, sulfate, pH, color, odor, & turbidity)
also lead, arsenic, copper, fluoride, volatile, organic compounds, pesticides, & herbicides, gross alpha, uranium, radium 226/228
-Iron bacteria
-Radon in air & water
-Lead in paint
If you don’t see your requirement listed please call us..